
Affordable fall flower bouquets, ideas and tips.

Here are my ideas and tips for affordable fall flower bouquets in your home.

Affordable fall flower bouquet on a kitchen windowsill made from wild foliage clippings and wild rose hips in a white pitcher next to fresh eggs, a lit candle and a tiny creamer pitcher of orange chrysanthemums.

Who doesn’t love a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers gracing their table or windowsill? For a long time fresh flowers were a once in a while thing. I longed to have fresh flowers in my home. But because of the cost of store bought flowers I simply could not justify it. I wanted to find a way to have affordable bouquets on a regular basis.

Affordable flower bouquets that don’t cost a penny

I started looking closely at what was growing here on the property. It was amazing what I could find along the road on my walks as well. I started carrying a pair of scissors when I would go on walks in the woods and along the river. Over the course of the spring and summer I came home with beautiful bouquets that didn’t cost me a penny. I was creating affordable bouquets of fresh flowers in my home on a regular basis.

Bouquet of pink, red, yellow, white and orange wildflowers in a white pitcher being held up for the picture

In the spring and summer wildflowers are in abundance here in north Idaho. Once fall arrives and we head into October the wildflowers fade away. But that does not mean the end of bouquets. With fall comes the beauty of changing leaves not just on trees but on bushes as well. Certain berry bushes are full of brightly colored berries and wild rose hips are in abundance.

Woman in a dry river bed cutting bright yellow fall foliage for an affordable fall bouquet.
I find a lot of great fall foliage down at the river.
woman cutting red rose hips next to a river for an affordable fall bouquet.

With some fall foliage I found down at the river and wild rose hips I was able to make a beautiful fall bouquet for my kitchen windowsill that didn’t cost a penny.

Yellow, red and green fall foliage bouquet in a white pitcher on a kitchen windowsill next to farm fresh eggs.

Man cutting clippings from a crabapple tree with the blue sky behind him.
My husband graciously climbed the ladder for me to get the nicest clippings from the crabapple tree.
A woman holding crabapple clippings.
Woman putting crabapple clippings into a white pitcher on a kitchen windowsill next to fresh eggs a candle and another little bouquet of wildflowers. The crabapple clippings made an affordable fall bouquet.

Purchasing fall flowers on a budget

If you are wanting to purchase flowers but are on a budget then look for flowers that are in season this time of year. Marigolds, chrysanthemums, salvia, zinnias, dahlias, petunias, sunflowers, cosmos, celosia, and pansies are seasonal flowers that are typically found in the fall. My go to are chrysanthemums. You can easily find them this time of year. They typically are very affordable and look lovely on your front porch, patio or deck.

A lot of grocery stores carry chrysanthemums this time of year. I get mine from Costco. You can buy a large pot of chrysanthemums from Costco for $15. They usually have a nice variety of colors to choose from. Chrysanthemums make lovely little mini bouquets that you can put around your house. They also continue to bud and bloom for quite a while into the fall, making them ideal for affordable fall flower bouquets.

Woman cutting clippings from an orange chrysanthemum plant.
Woman cutting clippings from an orange chrysanthemum plant.

I love taking little clippings from my chrysanthemum plants for mini bouquets. You also don’t have to use an actual vase. Be creative and find whatever you have on hand. I have a cute vintage footed creamer pitcher that’s perfect for mini bouquets.

Woman putting orange chrysanthemums in a tiny white pitcher on a kitchen windowsill.
Mini bouquet of orange chrysanthemums in a tiny white pitcher next to a lit candle on kitchen windowsill.

Tips for creating affordable fall flower bouquets

  • 1.) Look for what’s around you. Take a walk and notice all the flowers and foliage you have right at your finger tips. Go for a drive down a back country road and see what you can find right off the side of road that’s free for the picking.
  • 2.) When buying flowers in fall look for flowers that are in season for more affordable prices. Look for flowers, like chrysanthemums, that are in pots so you can cut fresh clippings all throughout the season.
  • 3.) Be creative with what you put your bouquets in. If you don’t have a vase that’s perfectly ok. Go through your cupboards and see what you can find. For example, a glass jam jar with the label removed makes a very charming little vase.

Being on a tight budget does not mean you can’t have beautiful flowers and foliage in your home. I hope you found some ideas and inspiration for making your own affordable fall bouquets.

Happy fall, friends!

Find my perfect chewy chocolate chip cookie recipe here: https://homespunannie.com/1637/how-to-make-perfect-chewy-chocolate-chip-cookies-steps-and-recipe/

Head on over to my YouTube channel and subscribe to see videos of my wild bouquets and more! www.youtube.com/@homespunannie

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