Make your chicken coop and garden work together
We live on six acres of beautiful property here on the river in north Idaho. Even with six acres, I don’t currently have a lot of space for my garden and chickens. I’ve had to come up with a way to make my chicken coop and garden work together to maximize the space.
Maximizing your space
My solution is having my chicken coop open up into a small run and have the run open up into my garden. There is a gate that I can close to keep the chickens in their run and coop area. I can open up the gate from the run into the garden providing them with more space.

I wanted to have a way for my chickens to be in the garden space in the off seasons. This way they help me “clean up” the garden at the end of the growing season. They scratch and leave their manure all winter long which is really good for the garden soil. And once growing season arrives I don’t have to do any weeding before planting because they have done the work for me!

Using the coop’s manure and used shavings for the garden
Another way I make my chicken coop and garden work together is by collecting the used shavings and manure from the chicken coop and putting them in the garden area. The chickens will scratch and move them around making the soil really nice for gardening.

The benefits of making your chicken coop and garden work together:
- Makes having a garden and chickens in a small space possible.
- Allows your chickens to have the extra space in the off season if they aren’t able to free range.
- The chickens spread their manure in the garden area which is good for the soil.
- The chickens help “clean up” the garden when the growing season is over.
- The chickens do all the weeding for you so you don’t have to do any before you plant in the spring.
- Putting the used shavings and manure from coop clean up to the garden area for the chickens to spread around is also good for the soil.
Having a small space doesn’t mean you can’t have chickens and a garden. It just means you need to get creative and figure out how to make your chicken coop and garden work together to maximize your available space.
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